Saturday, January 13, 2007

Making ready for The Male Child!

Today we planned on a nice quiet day.....just putting logs on the fire and relaxing. Um...yeah, right!
I just wanted to move my chair into our bedroom and switch the sofa-bed with Richard's bed so that Jeffrey will have a REAL bed to sleep in while he's home on leave from Baghdad. OF COURSE, it's turned into an ALLLLLLLLLL day cleaning/moving spree. Jim has been working on the Front Room all day and I've been in our bedroom. In the end, Jim's desk and filing cabinet came out of our bedroom and my chair and sewing machine cabinet came in. His desk went into the front room along with Richard's bed. The sofa-bed is now in Richard's room for him to use while Jeffrey's here. That leaves the filing cabinet......which is still standing in the kitchen looking for a home. HOPEFULLY, Jim will go through the stuff in there and get rid of the big, ugly thing. I have a filing drawer in my desk that we actually use for stuff and then we have 2 drawer oak filing cabinet that's basically empty. His filing cabinet is just a big storage box of old papers and junk.
Speaking of junk.....Emily was borrowing Richard's game chair and heard a rattling in it. She told Jim about it and it turns out that it's the rest of Richard's STASH. Porn magazines, a huge buck knife, porn DVDs that were stolen from his step-brothers, cigarettes, and last but not least, a bag of Honey-Mustard pretzels. *sigh*
Off to a hot bath.

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