Monday, May 21, 2007


That's the best I can come up with right now. Mr. X and Emily were supposed to leave this morning for Ohio, but I guess they are still hanging out at Christopher's house. I haven't seen nor heard from Emily since last night when she got pissed off after calling me and wanting me to find her bathing suit in her boxes. I told her that I was exhausted and that I had no clue where it was and was too tired to dig in all her boxes that were sitting out in front of our house. We were getting ready to go to bed and she had left her laptop and weekend bag here so we took them over and dropped them off at Christopher's apartment so that we could go to bed.
I tried to call her today to tell her that it was supposed to rain soon but she had left her phone with Jeff G. so she could go over to the high school and visit. So I had to call Mr. X. Mr. X and Christopher came over and picker up all her stuff before the rain started. Now it's later than they were planning on leaving and I haven't even heard from her. I really wanted to spend some time with her, but I guess that's not going to usual.
Diane left this morning, I guess. If I'm really lucky I will never have to see her again. She has never been a mother to me.....and she is so self-absorbed it's not even funny. I only get hurt whenever she's around.
And it seems the same thing happens whenever Emily is around. I'm good enough to call/visit when she wants something....but other than that she doesn't give me the time of day.
I just want to crawl in a corner and cry today.

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