Sunday, June 1, 2008

One thing after the next!!!!!

Things have been going really great here....emotionally-wise. I no longer feel like I'm so defective and so broken that I shouldn't even live. This past experience was a real turning point for me. I want to live. I want to be happy. and I want to spend the rest of my life with Jim. I love him more than anything in the world!!!!
Life is good.
Ok, so knitting-wise, the ribbing is done on my Plain Vanilla Sweater and a small part of the body....but I set it aside until the Addi Turbo that I ordered came in. It finally arrived yesterday, so that will be back on the needles.
In the meantime, I started Fibertrends Felt Clogs and have finished one of them and started another. Yesterday I finished the sole and am ready to start the top of it.
Ummmmmmmmm, speaking of yesterday........
So we had the guy with the Caterpillar Tractor come out and level the yard to put the pool in. Great. He worked for 2 hours but Jim paid him for four!!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! But he's a single dad trying to make a living. That's all well and good, but we are working on getting ourselves straight here too. Plus, I gave him a whole garbage bag of Bailey's clothes for his daughter.....a good $150 worth of clothes. Oh well. It's done and I'm not going to fuss about it.
I had bought watermelon for the guys to eat while they were working outside. After Bruce (the Caterpiller guy) leaves, Jim starts putting the rinds down the garbage disposal and bust the pipe off the new sink. UG!!!! So off to Lowe's he goes.
While he's gone, I notice how warm it is in the house. Now, Jim and I play Thermostat Wars. He thinks he should be COLD to be comfortable and I think we should be financing another yacht for the executives at the electric company. It needs to be just cool enough to not be hot. Well, this time I was hot! But I check the thermostat and found that it was set to 76F which is where Jim usually puts it. OK, so I sit down to knit (with wool, no less) and it's getting warmer. So I check to see if the coils have iced over. Nope. It's the compressor outside! It's overheating and keeps kicking the circuit breaker off. UG. So we were hot as all get out last night UNTIL we went to bed....and I froze all night....especially when he got up. blanket and all those fans going!

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